Saturday, March 14, 2020

Trade Show Displays A Buyers Guide

Trade Show Displays A Buyers GuideCredit A good trade show anzeigegert isa necessity to showcase what yur business has to offer andalsograb the attention of other show attendees prospective customers and clients. Without an eye-catching anzeige, youll miss the many opportunities for networking at a trade show.A trade show anzeige is a highly visible statement about a company and its products,said Laurie Pennacchi, CEO of ExpoMarketing, a trade show monitor company.The company benefits from having a anzeigegert by attracting visitors at shows that generate leads.So what does a good trade show display do for you? Other than grab peoples attention, it can say a lot about your business.A display should tell attendees who you are, what you do and how you can help trade show attendees, said Gwen Parsons, an independent communications consultant with a background in trade show marketing. It should portray your company brand and image in a way that will help ausverkaufpeople introduce products, engage attendees in a conversation, generate qualified sales opportunities, and leave a favorable impression to facilitate follow-up after the event.Without a display, Parsons said, youre at a disadvantage against your competitors, since its very rare for a company to contract for an exhibit space and not bring a display.Editors note Looking for a trade show display company? If youre looking for information to help you choose the one thats right for you, use the questionnaire below to get information from a variety of vendors for freeWhether youre a trade show veteran or not, you need to weigh your options on trade show displays if youre in the market for a new one. With entwurfs and trends constantly changing and evolving, its important to stay up to dateon what works and what doesnt in the trade show sector.Types of trade show displaysThere are many types of trade show displays to choose from, and they can be configured in just about any way imaginable. However, the two most commontrade show display systems are pop-up exhibits and panel displays.Pop-up displays consist of a flexible panel attached to an accordion-style frame that expands and locks into place to create a curved or angled wall, whichbecomesthe back wall of your trade show booth. Pop-up displays generally cost less than other display options, are lightweight and easy to ship or travel with, and are also fairly easy to set up.When youre a small business, pop-ups are ideal,said Kristen Harold, owner of KMH Marketing. When youre doing multiple shows, its cost-effective and looks much more professional. When youre graduating to a large space or putting a focus on one show, having a display built out custom should be considered.Panel displays, on the other hand, are sturdierand more stable, but they tend to be heavier and more difficult to assemble. They can easily be configured in many different ways, as they consist of various rectangular sectio ns that are covered in fabric and can connect together.Just be aware of all of the costs involved before committing,Harold added. You can also save these displays and use them again.Other popular display types include the following.bausteinfrmig exhibits Similar to a panel display system, they have many parts and can be configured in different ways, but are much lighter, like a pop-up display.Pipe and drape displays These have a metal frame and a fabric drape and are usually used as a simple backdrop.Tabletop displays Good for events where large displays arent necessary, tabletop displays are like a smaller version of a panel or pop-up display, but designed to fit on a table.Truss displays Heavy-duty with steel or aluminum frames, these are often used as backdrops in television shows and as lighting systems. They can be used to displayjust about anything.Depending on your vendor or exhibit house, you may have more options. Of course, you can always have a custom trade show display s ystem created for your business, with the option to combine different display types.Renting vs. purchasing trade show displaysWhen it comes to obtaining a trade show display, you have two options You can rent a display temporarily for an exhibit, or you can purchase one for use whenever you need it. Renting works for many businesses, while others prefer or need to have their own display system on hand. So how do you know which option is right for your business?The first step, Pennacchi said, is to consider the size of the trade show display and the number of trade shows at which you plan to exhibit.If the booth spaces are 10 feet by 10 feet, it probably makes sense to purchase a portable exhibit,Pennacchi said. For larger spaces, a rental is a very logical choice. The company has the opportunity to change their booth layout from one show to the next while still preserving their look and feel.Rental solutions are definitely more budget-friendly, but only if you dont exhibit very ofte n, Parsons emphasized.A display rents for about 25 to 35 percent of the cost to buy it, shesaid. So one rule of thumb is if you are planning to use the same exhibit three times during a one-year period, you should purchase the display.Its also important to consider your resources. If storage or maintenance are issues for you, you may want to use a rental. Pennacchi said that renting a display doesnt require storage, so you dont have to spend on display storage and maintenance.geschftlicher umgang owners get the booth of their choice in perfect condition for each show, she added.How to choose a trade show displayIf a company is a first-time exhibitor, wants to test a new market, wants a bigger footprint for a once-a-year national event, or is uncertain about changing business strategies like a merger, acquisition or rebrand, the safe bet is to rent a whole new exhibit or add-ons to extend existing display properties, Parsons said.In other words, if youre new to the trade show scene o r making company changes, dont jump in spontaneously this is definitely a time to go for a rental system.Plus, exhibitor renters can reuse their graphics at a subsequent event whether they choose re-rent or purchase the same exhibit property, Parsons said, adding that if you do choose to buy your rental exhibit, you should ask your consultant if a portion of your rental fee can be applied toward your purchase.Harold stressed that owning is typically the best option if youdomultiple shows a year. Storage will cost you, but renting and setting up a brand-new display each show will be a larger expense.Its also important that you take your trade show display shopping offline, especially with so many options on the market. Pennacchi advised attending other trade shows and scopingout what your competitors are doing to get a better idea of what youwant.There are a multitude of trade show displays available today,Pennacchi said.It is difficult to make a decision by looking solely at website s.It is beneficial to walk a trade show, preferably in your industry, and pay attention to the types of exhibits that attract your eye and that make a statement similar to the one you want to make. Check out what your competitors are doing and make a point of trying to outshine them.Before you start thinking about what types of displays you want, think about your needs and restrictions. Not doing so could cost you tons of money.There are pros and cons to any type of trade show display,Pennacchi said. Some might be beautiful, but they are too expensive to fit the budget parameters once you factor in the costs of exhibiting.Some are cheap or reasonably priced, but they offer no presence.With so many options to consider, choosing a trade show display system itself can be challenging. The best approach, Pennacchi noted, is to explain to your prospective vendor what your goals are (both immediate and long-term) and yourbudget. From there, they should give you a sortiment of options and m ake suggestions that fit your needs.When it comes to choosing a vendor, its especially important that you choose one that has your best interests in mind.Find the exhibit house that best fits your needs,Pennacchi said.It is important to establish a relationship with a company that wants to be your partner and not just a vendor. If your exhibit house understands your needs and evolves with you as your business grows, you will have a lot of success with your trade shows.The final decision, Pennacchi said, should take several factors into consideration, including your budget and the design.Before you buy your trade show displayIf youve got a trade show coming up and are thinking about purchasing or renting a display system, our experts said you should ask yourself these questionsWhat are our goals for our trade show presence?What size(s) of exhibit space do we plan to use?How often (per year) do we plan to exhibit?What is our budget for the display?Who will be setting up and repacking the display?What do we want to do in our exhibit to market our products and/or services?Would we rather rent or buy a trade show display?Does this vendor understand our needs? Or are they just trying to make a sale?Does this vendor outsource or provide all services in-house?Does this vendor offer graphic design services?You should also be sure to research different vendors and the trade shows and events you plan to attend to get a better idea of what options are available to you. Your research, along with your responses to these questions, should help you figure out what kind of trade show display(s) you need and what vendor or exhibit house to use.Editors note Looking for a trade show display company? If youre looking for information to help you choose the one thats right for you, use the questionnaire below to get information from a variety of vendors for freeAdditional reporting by Brittney Morgan. Some source interviews were conducted for a previous version of this article. Danielle Corcione Danielle Corcione is a freelance writer. To learn more about their work, visit their website. 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Tuesday, March 10, 2020

5 Ways to Nail the Manager Mindset, From a CEO

5 Ways to Nail the Manager Mindset, From a CEO My unofficial title at work is Resident Boss Lady. Being bossy or, as they say nowadays thanks to Sheryl Sandberg, possessing executive leadership skills is never something Ive struggled with. Among women, however, the statistics show Im elend always the norm. Thats not because many women arent supremely talented and 100 percent capable of being the boss. Its largely because of how we are raised and taught to behave at school, by our family and on the job starting from a very young age.Im the founder of Cheekys, an $11 million online retail, wholesale, and manufacturing company that makes apparel and jewelry for people who love a country lifestyle. However, our company is based in New Plymouth, Idaho, population 1,538. Finding anyone willing to commute out to work with us can be a real challenge. But over the years, weve had some really exceptional employees as well as some who werent ready to fully embrace their potential. Here are s ome things Ive noticed women often miss when it comes to achieving a manager mindset.1. Solve the problem.As the Resident Boss Lady and CEO of Cheekys, my day is full of hurdles. I dont want the people I hire to yes maam me all day long I hired them because (hopefully) they are smarter than me in some areas and can add real value to my business. I love it when employees point out a problem with our supply chain or shipping methods, especially when they have thought about some potential solutions. That shows real leadership and thoughtfulness.2. Push back, respectfully.Dont tell my husband, but Im actually not always right. If Im going off the rails with a hair-brained idea that Cheekys doesnt have the product or human capacity to execute successfully, I want to hear about it. That doesnt mean talking to your colleagues behind the bosss back. It means privately and respectfully offering constructive feedback on why the plan isnt going to work for you, and some alternate paths forward .3. Learn all you can.One of the most annoying parts of my job is when people ask me questions that they could easily Google to find out the answer. The Internet is full of amazing sites (including this one) that offer free advice, tutorials, e-courses and forums where you can ask questions and increase your value to your employer and your team. Being self-motivated to learn all you can about your industry and how to become a manager is a key sign youre ready to move up the company ladder.4. Be pretty.Now this isnt what you think. As I write about in my book, the concept of being pretty is something my Granny Dee taught me ages ago. Another way of putting it might be Suck it up, buttercup Be pretty to me means to be kind, be professional, and take the high road. Find a way to smile and dont let the situation own you.5. Set some freaking boundaries.Fran Hauser wrote a great book, management or owners. To earn the respect of people you manage, and who manage you, drawing solid boundar ies is key.